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For Orbiter 2016

Finally, here is the French Guyana Kourou Space Center for Orbiter 2016.

What's new :
- One zip file for the whole pack, tiles, sceneries, and rockets.
- Compatible with Dan's Orbitersound v5.0 and later.
- Addition of a scenario using all the new commands of OrbiterSound.


1) If this is a first installatio
jacquesmomo  225MB  Orbiter 20162020/09/01933
Thecond part of Kourou CSG global packinfo Papyref  61MB  Orbiter 20102013/12/295039
This pack include all parts required for loading the Guyan site Kourou CSG using addons of Papy's Hangar or OrbitHangar
For reasons dues to the zip size you have two parts you must unzip in Orbiter folder. This is the first part

I have made some simplifications for scénarios and docs organization.

The pack include for CSG site:
• ELA1 pad by Papyref (launch Ariane 1/2/3)
Papyref  145MB  Orbiter 20102013/12/291879
Kourou-CSG is the European space-port located in French Guyana. This centre named CSG (Centre spatial Guyanais - Guyana's space centre) is located near the city of Kourou. This base is French and the CNES (Centre National d'Etude Spatiales

ELA is the original main site. It gathers all the launch sites dedicated to Ariane (ELA=Ensemble de lancement Ariane - Launcher group for Ariane) :

Papyref  url  Orbiter 20102013/10/161045
Kourou-CSG is the European space-port located in French Guyana. This centre named CSG (Centre spatial Guyanais - Guyana's space centre) is located near the city of Kourou. This base is French and the CNES (Centre National d'Etude Spatiales

This add-on is the extension made near the ELA site, but not in the same site because of the necessary confidentiality of Soyuz launchers. (ELS = Ensem
Papyref  27MB  Orbiter 20102012/05/061444

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