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  addon  Vessels by jacquesmomo, Pappy2Downloads 409    

STS-66 Mission

(Here is the French Version).
An English version is available on OrbitHangar here : Here

It is the third and the last flight of the Atlas laboratory with a Shuttle (Atlantis). The second main objective of the flight is to deploy from the Cargo bay the SPAS CRISTA platform equipped with a set of telescopes and instruments that must study the Sun and the chemical composition of the upper atmosphere, and do research on long wave ultraviolet, and then to recovered it.

Launch is scheduled on the 3rd of November 1994 at 16:59 TU, from the 39-B PAD at Kennedy Space Center.
The Landing of Atlantis was planned to the Kennedy Space Center. But, due to wind and rain resulting from a tropical storm, it was turned away to Edwards AFB.

This add-on includes :

- SSBUV-7 experience
- ESCAPE II experience
- ATLAS-03 pallet
- Mini-satellite CRISTA-SPAS

Installation :

Simply unzip the zip file into the root folder of your Orbiter.
(Do not forget to check "use folder names")

Some additional add-ons may be installed. Please, read the documentation for that. (Sorry, only in French, in ...\\Doc\\Crista-Atlas3 (STS66)\\ )

Mandatory add-ons :
- Shuttle_Fleet v4.8-R2 by David 413

Optionally (but not mandatory) :
- D3D9Client
- Thorton's International Space Station
- UMmu 3.0 by DanSteph
- The Base of Edwards by Slat

Thanks to them ! Add-ons are here :
http://simviation.com/1/browse-Orbiter+Addons-142-1 (for David413)
http://orbiter.dansteph.com/forum/index.php?page=download ( for DanSteph )
http://www.orbithangar.com/searchid.php?ID=3737 ( for Thorton's ISS )
http://www.orbithangar.com/searchid.php?ID=3005 ( for Slat's Edwards Base )
http://d3d9client.codeplex.com/ ( for D3D9 graphic client )

Please read all the documentation that is full of lovely images.
There are also some explanations about the mission.

We welcome your comments...
JacquesMomo and Pappy2.

Update 13/03/15:
Fixed sénario 1b (for the gateway).

Update 17/03/15:
Documentation and scenarios in Englis (only on O.H.).

comment View the forum thread for this addon
Release date: 2015/03/03   For: Orbiter 2010   Size: 10MB     

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