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  addon  Bases by Well, DanstephDownloads 24651    


Orcus Patera is a fictionnal base located on Mars, it include many oustanding features.

To run this addon you'll need the following:
Universal Cars and Cargo for Orbiter (UCGO)
DX9 or DX11 clients for Orbiter (Not mandatory but give a better visual result, use the latest version)

Note: To have the wheel dust feature and good position of cargo you must use UCGO version 3.0 that is available here: http://orbiter.dansteph.com/forum/index.php?page=download


  • Stunning ground meshes and textures
  • 5 new amazings UCGO cars (See scenario "[Cool] New ucgo cars")
  • AI trafics passing over the base. If you are lucky you can even see one ship doing a reentry at hight speed and high altitude. (Very long trail)
  • Animated Solar Cleaner (big yellow bar), you can see them slowly doing their job, you can even command them with a switch.
  • Animated Hangars door to safely park your favorite ship. Use a UMmu to command opening/closing of the doors.
  • Animated "Mining" train on the south of the base.
  • 5 Factory that can produce 5 differents type of UCGO cargo (south of base)
  • Lighted Pad indicator, each free pad have white circle that become orange when the pad is busy (see at night for better effect)
  • Real local light that illuminate the landing area/ship. You must check in Orbiter's launchpad the - "local light" feature. On DX 7 even the ground is lighted, on DX9 this feature seem missing but still the landed ships will be illuminated at night.
  • Blinking light everywhere so ships doesn't collide with building at night.
  • Climatisation smoke exhaust coming from differents aeras. You can command them with a switch (if you can find it ;) )
  • On one of a building's side you have a "touristic" lift that goes up and down from time to time.
  • Somewhere around the base you have a crash scenery used in one of the scenario ("save the idiots")
  • 4 New UCGO cargos types, two can spawn a rover, one cargo contain saussages (private author's joke) the last one contain sexy clothes. (see mission "Tidy Up")

The Real Orcus Patera on Mars

Orcus Patera is a region on the surface of the planet Mars. It is a depression about 380 km long, 140 km wide, and about 0.5 km (500 meters) deep but with a relatively smooth floor. It has a rim up to 1.8 km high. Orcus Patera is west of Mons Olympus and east of Elysium Mons. It is about half-way between those two volcanoes, and east and north of Gale crater. It has experienced aeolian processes, and has some small craters and graben structures. However, it is not known how the patera originally formed. Theories include volcanic, tectonic, or cratering events.

Mars Express observed this region in 2005, yielding a digital terrain model and color pictures.[Credit wikipedia]

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Release date: 2013/12/03   For: Orbiter 2010   Size: 39MB     

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