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Shuttle balisage

A few colored spheres like in GTA (Vice City) for some helping to find the track of the final turn with the space shuttle.

Notice : this is not intended to be a track (even if i made this with a playback of shuttle reentry found on Orbit Hangar, propably an autopilot one.) but some visual items to help finding your own way to make the final approch.

After the straight corridor,
. The first blue sphere is where we begin the gently turn right
. Then, the 1st small yellow ball is where theorically, the shuttle shows to be parallel with landing track
. the 2st yellow ball : shuttle shows perpendicular to the track
. the 3rd is only to continue the turn
. the last blue ball is to be very straight with the track.
to have a correct landing,
try to fly much higher than the last blue sphere
then, don't be afraid to dive a few seconds, in front of the landing track
so that you grab some speed for making a beautiful final.
when touch down, keep the nose up, with the "2" numkey, so that
the shuttle will do the 2nd touch by itself, as in some good usa vidéo
seen since tuesday 14th april 1981 by all good television spectator.

Have added a personnal playback with camera views
( www.youtube.com/cslevine#p/u/12/2KQZClCsZtk )

by cslevine

you can find my other addon, such as more real shuttle sounds, Paris addon with Bourget, Roissy and Orly Airports, and so on on Orbit Hangar :

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Release date: 2010/08/11   For: Orbiter 2010     

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