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OUESSANT island (France)

Textures (tiles) for Orbiter 2016

The island of Ouessant is a French island in the Celtic Sea located 18.5 kilometers west of the west coast of Finistère.
It is eight kilometers long and four wide and is the westernmost land of mainland France.

This add-on only features the detailed tiles of the surface of this island.
Just one scenario is provided, placing a Deltaglider at the threshold of the small runway of the aerodrome of this island.

Some generic buildings are placed at this location provisionally, pending a future more detailed version.


You just have to unzip this "zip" file into the root folder of your Orbiter.

Please send me your comments and opinions, it's always a pleasure for me ! ...

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Release date: 2021/12/16   For: Orbiter 2016   Size: 25MB     

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