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Voyage à Honeymoon

I propose to you a small honeymoon trip in DGIV at the beginning of Canaveral Cape which will lead you to PapyBar orbiting around the Earth then in lunar HoneymoonBase and finally to the Sables d'Olonne after a passage by LunaOB1 in lunarorbit.
Honeymoon base is in the Arzachel crater with the coordonates 1.90°W 18.20 °S

If you have read my previous tutorials and know the DGIV and IMFD well, you will not have difficulties I think of achieving this small pleasure trip.

If you do not like the automatisms, you can try this travel manually with the standard MFD of orbiter.

The meshes and textures of the lunar crater, memorials 2001 and Tintin and Sables d'Olonne were taken again by Jacquesmomo. Thank you with him!

I dedicate this travel to my wife for our almost 60 years of marriage and for his patience during the long hours that I pass in front of my PC

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Release date: 2017/04/04   For: Orbiter 2016   Size: 43MB     

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