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  addon  Skins by Manu-RTDownloads 681    

Skin pack for DGIV

This skin pack contain 45 skins for the DGIV:

-Air France
-Arrow 1
-Black and White
-Blue Cloud
-Coca cola 1
-Classic DG *
-Eco Green
-Empire Galactic Squadron black
-Empire Galactic Squadron White
-FSX original
-Ghost Buster
-"La Poste"
-Lost FSX
-Medical 3*
-Orbiter tribute
-Pappy's special
-Pappy's Airlines
-Rebel alliance
-Red Bull
-Red pig (Red bull Parody)
-Russian Navy*
-Space city
-Space Hotel
-SW original
-USA 1
-USA 2 : Cyber command
-USA 3 : Destination USA
-Windows 1
-Windows 2

Les * représentent les modifications apportées aux skin telechargable sur Orbit Hangar, les droits de création appartiennent a leurs auteurs respectifs

Have fun ;)

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Release date: 2014/06/04   For: All versions   Size: 155MB     

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