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  addon  Enhancements by jacquesmomo, replicant, etc...Downloads 798    

PATCH-R3b for Gemini Projet addon



No original file from addon will be overwritten.
You will have a new scenario folder : "11. Gemini test" where you have test scenarios.
The Gemini capsule is named "Gemini_test".
Other scenarios and rockets / capsules are not affected.
To uninstall this patch, simply do a search for all files *test.* and delete them.

Vous devez avoir installé avant ce patch l'addon qui se trouve ici :
You need to install Gemini Projet addon before the patch. This addon is here:
Gemini Projet.zip

This addon is not mine, but upload by replicant .
Meshes and textures (except the "water wings") are from Rob Conley (Estar), Donamy, saturn v, Jekka, MartySpaceLines, and 4throck .

Compatible SDKs: Spacecraft3 Multistage2 OrbiterSound
Orbiter Version: 100830

Here is what is new (or different) whis this patch :

a) Correction of missing or misplaced files in addon :
- Multistage2 and SpaceCraft3 (from Vinka)
- RCS-gemini.dds file which must be in the "Textures" folder

b) Small fixes :
- Astronauts are now present in the capsule before Titan rocket launch
- Bug fix with the doors (when the doors are open, if the scenario is saved and then relaunch , the doors are "dislocated")...

c) Improvements :
- When the Gemini capsule is on the water, you can now have the floaters, and the capsule is now "lying down"
- NEW (patch R2): the sea, the dye stain and Gemini capsule "are moving" ...

ATTENTION : assignment for some keys is modified (only for "test" model) :

- Shift(left)+1 : open left door of Gemini
- Shift(left)+3 : open right door of Gemini
- K : deploy parachute
- G : emergence of "swirl" in water, vanishing of the parachute,
and emergence of water wings for the capsule.

Thank you to report this. To be continued...

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Release date: 2013/11/14  Updated: 2013/11/16   For: Orbiter 2010   Size: 12MB     

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